ERC GO is a division of Frandsen Accounting

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How to set up your payroll report

When submitting your payroll documents, they will need to include all of the following information for all employees—even ones who are inactive or have been terminated:

  • Employee name(s)
  • Check dates(s)
  • Gross wages

When formatting your report, we do not need access to any private, protected, or personal information. Please make sure to remove the following types of info from your report before submitting it to us:

  • Social security numbers
  • Addresses
  • Banking information, etc.

Please note that even though terminated employees are included in your report, you can't count any wages paid to them after their termination date.

Step 1
Estimate your potential ERC credit
Potential credit amount


*This is an estimate only based on the employee counts entered and does not represent a guarantee of the credit amount you will receive, or that you will qualify for the program.

ERC GO has already helped a staggering:


...businesses file their ERC claims...and counting!

The ERC helps businesses recover from COVID

What is the Employee Retention Credit program?

The Employee Retention Credit is an economic stimulus program for American businesses. With no limits on funding, your business could potentially receive thousands of dollars!