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How to qualify for an ERC refund

If a business wants to claim an ERC refund, they must have retained employees during the pandemic despite meeting specific hardships. For each quarter they wish to qualify for, they must have experienced at least ONE of the following situations:

  • Decline in gross receipts when compared to the corresponding 2019 quarter
  • Full or partially suspended operations caused by a government shutdown mandate
  • Supply chain disruptions caused by government shutdown orders affecting your supplier

For a more in-depth look at each of these criteria, you can check out the IRS's guidance below.

Additional source information:
  1. Determining When an Employer is Considered to have a Significant Decline in Gross Receipts
  2. COVID-19-Related Employee Retention Credits...
Step 1
Estimate your potential ERC credit
Potential credit amount


*This is an estimate only based on the employee counts entered and does not represent a guarantee of the credit amount you will receive, or that you will qualify for the program.

ERC GO has already helped a staggering:


...businesses file their ERC claims...and counting!

The ERC helps businesses recover from COVID

What is the Employee Retention Credit program?

The Employee Retention Credit is an economic stimulus program for American businesses. With no limits on funding, your business could potentially receive thousands of dollars!