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2020 vs. 2021 ERC qualifications

For 2020 and 2021, the core qualifications—revenue reduction, full or partial shutdown orders (of your business or your supplier)—are the same. However, there are some differences in the details, which you can see in the table below.

2020 Qualifications 2021 Qualifications
50% decline in gross receipts 20% decline in gross receipts
Full or partial shutdown orders Full or partial shutdown orders

One other difference between filing for an ERC refund in 2020 vs. 2021 is the determination for large and small businesses. In 2020, a small business is one that had 100 or fewer full-time W2 employees in 2019. But in 2021, a small business is one that had 500 or fewer full-time W2 employees in 2019.

Step 1
Estimate your potential ERC credit
Potential credit amount


*This is an estimate only based on the employee counts entered and does not represent a guarantee of the credit amount you will receive, or that you will qualify for the program.

ERC GO has already helped a staggering:


...businesses file their ERC claims...and counting!

The ERC helps businesses recover from COVID

What is the Employee Retention Credit program?

The Employee Retention Credit is an economic stimulus program for American businesses. With no limits on funding, your business could potentially receive thousands of dollars!